Geometria qualitativa nel “BIM-World”. Generazione della Location Breakdown Structure per un processo di costruzione sostenibile






A prototype undergoing developement in the CAAD laboratory of “La Sapienza” Rome University that can be used in parallel with the development of a Location Based Management model (LBM) based on Lean Construction principles. Lean Construction principles and methods have long been applied in the construction sector although they have often led to waste and inefficiencies due almost exclusively to the purely “material” aspects of the construction site such as waste, overproduction, leftovers and the suboptimal use of materials. Inefficiencies and waste are however often due to the procedures followed in carrying out the work. Overproduction, waiting time, unsatisfactory allocation of resources, delay in supplies and operating conflicts can actually have a higly negative effect on process sustainability. Location Based Management Techniques and tools have shown considerable effectiveness in tackling typical inefficiencies of production processes based on simple repetetive tasks. Nevertheless, also LBM is constrained by the limits typical of the project management systems, the use of which is almost exclusively restricted to the final design phases, thus making it difficult to make choices based on the efficiency and sustainability of the construction process. the prototype under development is aimed at defining the LBM starting from a BIM model in the early stages of the design process,, updating it dynamically according to the various design stages and to the designer’s choices. The solution adopted will take into account the effects they can have on the scheduling of the construction process. the prototype under development is based on qualitative geometry. the information needed to define the LBM model actually depends on the overall dimensions of the objects involved, updating it dynamically according to the various design stages and to the designer’s choices. The solution adopted will take into account the effects they can have on the scheduling of the construction process. the prototype under development is based on qualitative geometry. the information needed to define the LBM model actuallt depends on the overall dimensions of the objects involved, the BIM model topology, the work planned, its scheduling, the relative priority of execution and the spatial interference among the various work planned. The BIM model components will be automatically enhanced with the geometrical information referring to the space necessary for the working teams to identify conflicts and establish work priority. the proposed prototype represents a new type of design support tool with potential for the creation of commercial software systems interacting with the more common BIM systems. It is planned to develop the system in such a way as to allow the worksite spaces and infrastructures require for the entire construction to be determined.



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